Paperless factory


Nowadays, manufacturers generate plenty of registers such as those related to traceability of raw materials, quality controls, control of stoppages and breakdowns, etc. And often the collected data is not processed afterwards in order to define the causes of problems and solutions to improve the KPIs.

For the Short Interval System (SIM) to work efficiently, it is essential that the analysis and exploitation of data is carried out with agility, so that the investigation of the causes of inefficiencies is done at the process level and the time investment in transcribing data is eliminated, given that the information is collected on paper.

We implement data collection systems that guarantee this immediacy, allowing problems to be identified in real time and solutions to be put in place immediately. In collaboration with our technology partner iAR and the Smart Lean Solutions tools: Smart Check, Smart 5S, Smart KPI and Smart Efficiency.

We also implement dashboards with Power BI-type tools that allow us to visualise process KPIs and monitor production in real time.


  • Optimise the number of records and data to be collected.
  • Drastically reduces the time invested by direct personnel and managers in the collection and subsequent analysis of data.
  • Optimises the operational meetings of the processes, eliminating opinions and providing data.
  • Real-time tracking of production compliance and KPIs.
  • Elimination of paper and the space required for paper storage.

How we achieve it

  • Analysis of current record keeping and process flow.
  • Definition of KPIs and data mining required for quality and process performance control.
  • Definition of control points, the most optimal digital tool.
  • Implementation of new digital tools and staff training (technological partner and Smart Lean Solutions).
  • Definition and implementation of dashboard with Power BI