On May 16, ACMP held the meeting “Ecosystem 4.0: operational excellence and management systems 4.0” at Zaragozaā€™s Chamber of Commerce. The event was organized along with this organization and Elara Ingenieros and was attended by over 70 industrial companies.

The meeting focused on the transformation the industry is experimenting and how companies are evolving into smart factories. A new paradigm based on operational excellence where the advanced digital technologies enable changes.

ACMPā€™s CEO, Iosu Palacios, took part with a talk entitled ā€œTowards the smart factory: Lean 4.0 and Advanced MES Solutionā€ accompanied by ĆĆ±igo Navarro from Elara. The presentation addressed the interplay between lean management methods and Industry 4.0. The integrated application of both approaches paves the way to operational excellence.

Operational excellence:
value creation, capable processes,
flexibility and efficiency,
costs reduction and talent.

Iosu Palacios

During the event, representatives from Panishop and BSH ElectrodomĆ©sticos presented their companyā€™s ongoing transformation projects on this field.

The session closed with a round table in which representatives of the National Center for Technology and Food Safety (CNTA) and the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA) discussed on the new phase that begins for the industry determined by the irruption of technologies 4.0 and the need for optimum manufacturing processes.

Left to right: ĆÆƱigo Navarro (Elara), Javier ViƱal y Antonio RĆ©bola (Panishop), Javier I. Jauregui (CNTA), JosĆ© BaquĆ© (CĆ”mara de Zaragoza), Mirari GoƱi (Elara), Iosu Palacios (ACMP), JosĆ© Juste (BSH) and JosĆ© Luis NĆŗƱez (ITAINNOVA).