ACMP has recently announced the launch of a new company in collaboration with its software development partner, iAR, that will provide clients with new Lean 4.0 software solutions for management and process improvement.

Smart Lean Solutions primary focus is the development and implementation of digitizing solutions that support Lean tools and methods.

Smart Lean Solutions allows businesses to leverage work process reliability, agility and efficiency and in consequence to reduce production costs.

The company’s ultimate mission is to aid companies progress towards operational excellence.

ā€œTaking up this entrepreneurial initiative means a natural step in the evolution of ACMPā€™s services that will allow us to add greater value to our clientā€™s Lean projects and to amplify improvement oportunitiesā€, says Iosu Palacios, partner at ACMP.

As ā€œIn recent years, solutions linked to the Lean Manufacturing methods have gained importance within iARā€™s business development strategy. This partnership give us the to add value and focus on such methodologiesā€, adds Jon Navarlaz, iARā€™s general manager.

Lean provides the foundations for operational excellence. It focuses on the optimization of all business processes nurturing a continuous improvement culture in which people play an active role. Lean tools are aimed at waste reduction and value creation for customers.

Smart Lean Solutions products

Smart GIC is a mobile application for daily operational management that supports the Short Interval Management system, an approach focused on continuous improvement.

People can easily verify the fulfillment of an area or department of the businessā€™ key objectives in short cycles and also plan improvement actions to quickly correct deviations. Besides, the app provides an overview on the evolution of the processes.

Smart 5S

SMART 5S allows companies to manage all the activity related to the periodic audits and the 5S improvement actions within the organization.

5S is Lean methodology that helps organizations to establish a permanent discipline of organization, order and cleanliness in the workplace.

The app helps workers to checks standards and its compliance in terms of order, organization and cleanliness, and to quickly identify anomalies and manage corrective actions.

Smart Lean Solutions promotores

Smart Lean Solutions promoters: Jon Navarlaz, Carlos Achaerandio, Iosu Palacios and Ana Monreal.