Problem resolution


QRQC, 8D and A3 are structurd methodologies used to ensure that root causes are identified and eliminated at any level of the organisation.

QRQC (Quick Response Quality Control) is a simple continuous improvement method for quality control used in companies that need to manage their processes and resolve incidents with agility. 8D refers to a process that is applied in eight stages for the resolution of problems. A3, on the other hand, is a problem-solving method that owes its name to the A3-size paper in which the analysis is carried out.


  • Detect and eliminate problem root causes
  • Reduce scrap
  • Implement lasting solutions
  • Cultural change towards continuous improvement

How we achieve it

  • Management commitment
  • Training on tools and techniques
  • Kaizen workshops or improvement projects to identify and eliminate problem root causes
  • Monitor actions