Smart Effiency, sistema de captura de datos en planta

Monitor the efficiency of production processes.
Smart Efficiency enables companies to know the real productive capacity of the plant and make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable data. Realiable and precise data that helps managers make informed decisions with agility.
The system collects production data, rejects and machine stops and calculates machine efficiency in real time, the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) by time intervals (hour, shift, day, etc.) also providing information on the causes of losses.
Smart Efficiency can be integrated into the customer’s process. qprovides data about the real capacity of lines/equipment to produce with quality, the process performance and the availability of the equipment.
- Enable the company to design strategies that improve machine availability, efficiency and quality with the aim of maximising the economic profitability of the process.
- Knowing the real productive capacity helps determine whether to invest in new machinery and to do it properly. More efficient cost management
- Allows the design of technical actions with a failure mode and effect analysis of the equipment

Main features
- Automatic capture of plant data Provides real-time information on the overall efficiency (OEE) of machines and lines, Records stops and quality rejections, as well as their causes.
- Monitoring Monitors production process performance. Calculates real productive capacity of equipment by time intervals: hour, shift, day, etc. enabling the detection of improvement opportunities.
- Reporting Creates, exports and shares reports on the evolution of processes. Automate graphs of indicators and the Pareto of causes of stops and rejections.
- Flexible & scalable Robust, flexible system, integrable with third-party solutions (ERP, CMMS, Scada …). and BI tools. Add modules according to your needs: OEE, Planning, Quality, Maintenance, Traceability of raw materials.
- Integration. Into the client’s process It communicates with third-party systems operating at the factory, such as ERP, BBDD, etc.
- Visual. Custom interface design and simple graphics to visualize relevant information in real time.
Developed by Smart Lean Solutions